Watch now - Large scale military exercise using Impertech PPE

The Israeli defense forces prepare for any contingency: Hundreds of Israeli military and law enforcements teams conducted a comprehensive exercise simulating a terrorist attack at the light rail underground station in Tel Aviv

Author: Asaf Hazut

During the exercise, which was led by the Ministry of Defense and the Israeli Police, the national emergency teams and government ministries trained a chemical terrorist attack. Among the forces that took part: MDA medical teams, Israel Fire and Rescue teams, the IDF and the Ministry of Health. The exercise took place at various points along the light rail’s travel route, both in the upper station and in the underground part, and the central event was a chemical terrorist attack at the Allenby underground station.

The exercise spread over three arenas with hundreds of civilians who simulated casualties of various degrees and over a thousand members of the emergency and rescue forces participated. As part of the exercise, the troops practiced a variety of different scenarios, including shooting, detonating an explosive device and dispersing a chemical substance. As part of the international learning and cooperation processes, dozens of foreign observers came to watch the exercise.


The participants in this large scale exercise were fully equipped with Impertech’s CBRN protection gear –

Sapphire gas mask and hood, Aquamarine HAZMAT suit, BL90 respiration blowers, Butyl gloves and over boots.

We are excited to announce that the IM76 is finalized, tested and CE approved! Come join us at our booth at the Eurosatory exibition, Hall 5A, #H285 17-21.06.2024, Paris.

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